Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mondo weiss: War of Ideas

Mondo weiss: War of Ideas

There I Go Again, Counting Jews

by Philip Weis on November 19, 2008

Here is what a dubious character I am. Yesterday I was watching Charlie Rose when he talked with Jon Alter, Eric Foner, and Mark Halperin about historical ideas surrounding the Obama transition. Well I looked up Halperin and Foner, too, and they're Jewish. So is my old friend Alter, whose smart comments on that show about new media vs old media I will get to when I am not counting Jews. I wasn't going to talk about this, I was going to exhibit some discretion, as I don't go off on NPR's many Jewish commentators, were it not for the fact that right now a friend sent me an email, actually a smart Jewish friend saying, "Another Jew, head of OMB, Peter Orszag". (I don't know; he looks Jewish). And last week when I blogged about Jewish money at the Council on Foreign Relations, it was a high-status mole who sent me the report and who circled the names for my edification.

I'm only saying that I'm not the only one circling Jewish names. These facts obviously have some significance to smart people. Though yes, I admit: it's an uncomfortable exercise. It reminds me most strongly of sitting in Fenway Park in 1975 or when the Orioles came up to bat and a guy in front of me–we had a big inning–said, I seem to remember just when Tommie Davis was announced, That makes 5 in a row. Because we had a lot of blacks in the lineup (Bumbry, Blair, Rich Coggins, Earl Williams, then Davis, maybe), and Boston was Boston. Now I'm doing it. Why?

Because it is significant of a large sociological fact that goes unremarked, the importance of Jews in the new establishment, and because Zionism remains an uninterrogated belief system in much of Jewish life. I am able to do this stuff partly because I don't think the story turns out in an unhappy way. There are different ways of imagining significantly disproportionate Jewish influence and power than the central European tragedy. Americans can do that, we have historical imagination. But ignoring the facts, that's a journalistic dereliction. Even Sports Illustrated sometimes does stories about black athletes.

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1 jonathan ekman November 19, 2008 at 12:39 pm
If Jews were represented in the American elite out of all proportion to their numbers, yet were clearly acting in the best
interests not of their own group nor of Israel but for the improvement of this country and the entire planet, there would
be, I suspect, little resentment at their success.
2 Tommy November 19, 2008 at 12:40 pm
The counting of American Jews could be become a consequence of Israel's unlawfulness, and that cannot be good for anyone. If America's popular attitude about Israel's occupation of Palestine should ever change, as it will someday, then the concomitant identification with Israel some Jews have staked for themselves could negatively affect attitudes about the entire Jewish population in America. One need only see the popular backlash against Moslems since the 9/11 attacks to understand this reaction. Fortunately, even with Americans convicted for spying for Israel, this has not occurred. Before it does, America should bring political pressure on Israel to return to its legal borders and end its policy of expansion.
3 observer November 19, 2008 at 12:42 pm
Intelligent and well informed Gentiles should ignore information developing into patterns of activity and verbiage. Count the blacks on a pro B-Ball team, or in Football. Should everyone just ignore it? Count the Jews involved in establishing the case for pre-emptive war and attack on Iraq, now Iran. Because pointing such things out, various disproportions of influence, raise questions regarding the best interests of the whole, should we ignore the patterns?
What does a stock analyst do?
What computer models does he use?
How does an expert looking for the best accuracy adjustments for a rifle scope look at
results on the target?
The target should be "in the best interests of the American people, or the best interests of all humanity"
"The best interests of the children."
Lots of room to play there. The issue is always the net power
of the players on each side.
Every player claims they are only interested in the best interest of the child.
The rule of law takes one side or the other, net. Without ever saying so.
The contest goes on.
4 Rowan Berkeley November 19, 2008 at 12:46 pm
I see it as a compensation for not having any sociological theory of WHY Jews cluster the ways they do. On the radical right, this is very widespread, because basically they see modern society as being run, from behind the 'free enterprise' facade, by a hidden hereditary elite. They have no theory to serve as an explanatory tool, so they resort to lists.
5 RosaUK November 19, 2008 at 1:05 pm
Many Jews and others in the US are speaking out against the mainstream media & US foreign policy – their voice is a vital instrument in the current political climate.
6 STROKIN' MY UZI November 19, 2008 at 2:19 pm
OBSERVER POSTED: "The rule of law takes one side or the other, net. Without ever saying so."
Hud Bannon (played by Paul Newman): "Well, I've always thought the law was meant to be interpreted in a lenient manner. Sometimes I lean one way and sometimes I lean the other."
7 LeaNder November 19, 2008 at 2:39 pm
(I don't know; he looks Jewish)
Long and often aquiline nose (or with Eastern European Jews sometimes flat and broader noses); so-called "weak" mouths, narrow and sometimes protruding eyes in a drooping brow, high and prominent cheekbones, oval faces, pointed chin, curly or kinky hair.
No one denies that Jews have the characteristics of a separate group; at least in terms of diseases and other physical traits that are endemic to the group. It comes from centuries of the most intensive inbreeding of any group though anyone will say Eastern European Jews tend to be more sturdy with flatter noses, Sephardim and Mizrahi more Middle Eastern, with darker complexions. Intermarriage will happen.
Attempts today mask stereotypical looks (beards and hairpieces, dye jobs and hair straightening, colored contacts and of course extensive plastic surgery among young Jews that would put Michael Jackson to shame). "Looking Jewish" is more and more a thing of the past in the U.S. when people have enough money to look like what magazines idealize.

8 Ed November 19, 2008 at 2:52 pm
If it were some Christian sect, or lets say, Mormons, switched out for Jews, you can bet they would have been counted, and you can bet their intrigue over the decades (particularly the Iraq war intrigue) would have been highly documented and viciously condemned by the left-liberal cognoscenti. And if the Mormons had set up some Zion somewhere (say, S. Africa) and were pulling the same crap that Jews have been pulling against Palestinians, you can bet the left-liberals would have been all over them both in this country and in Europe, probably nearly to the point of lynching them.
Why have the left-liberals given the Jews a pass for decades? Because they were collaborators in the anti-Christian coalition — they were anti-Christian fellow travelers. But now that the Christian underpinnings of America have been destroyed, the left-liberals and the Zionists are starting to fight it out for predominance, and left-liberal Zionists, both Jewish and otherwise, are desperately trying to hold it together, but the center will not hold.
Evaluate Witty’s commentary in this light: he’s desperate to find a way to reconcile the increasingly polarized left-liberals and Zionists. But its futile. Each ones professed fundamental values are irreconcilable. All the spinning in the world won’t be able to change that. The gig is up, Witty. Time to choose sides (but we already know which way you’re going, don’t we?) and begin preparing for war.
9 observer November 19, 2008 at 5:07 pm
Jews count there own, happy for good PR, anxious about bad PR.
When the goy animal does the same–it's the ultimate EVIL.
Should we make a computer model of this?
If so, we cannot count on the free press to give us data.
Propaganda rules the soul.

10 Todd November 20, 2008 at 10:20 am
"I see it as a compensation for not having any sociological theory of WHY Jews cluster the ways they do. On the radical right, this is very widespread, because basically they see modern society as being run, from behind the 'free enterprise' facade, by a hidden hereditary elite. They differ as to who or what they think the elite are. They have no theory to serve as an explanatory tool, so they resort to lists."
What theory do you propose?
It's clear that America is being deliberately and radically changed from the ground up. If it is true that there is a new group of ethnic elites without the masses of kinsmen to form a majority, then massive immigration, favoring finance over manufacturing and agriculture, and tying the U.S. to Israel help to form something of a theory to explain a Jewish elite. There are many theories that have been proposed, including by Jews themselves, biological (Jews being either smarter or more inclined to dominate others and behave collectively), sociological (such as Jewish supremacism as a group survival strategy), etc. It is as simple as observing what happens when a new male takes over a pride of lions. There has been interesting why explanations from people such as Dr. Kevin MacDonald from UC (warts and all, who is fond of this blog in his own way.) Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa also has written on the subject only he concentrates on badly supporting shoddy stereotypes such as East Asian intelligence yet inability to be creative (check history- most East Asians were illiterate 50 years ago but they were some of the most creative people in the world two thousand years ago. Conditions change.)
11 Diversity Is Great For The Goyim ! November 21, 2008 at 2:05 am
Philip Weiss: "(I don't know; he looks Jewish)."
He certainly is, as is his brother.
12 observer November 21, 2008 at 6:13 pm
To Phil's article about counting Jews we get:
It's clear that America is being deliberately and radically changed from the ground up. If it is true that there is a new group of ethnic elites without the masses of kinsmen to form a majority, then massive immigration, favoring finance over manufacturing and agriculture, and tying the U.S. to Israel help to form something of a theory to explain a Jewish elite. The sociology is as simple as observing what happens when a new male takes over a pride of lions.
Posted by: Todd
Todd, please elaborate for us morons.
13 Todd November 22, 2008 at 9:40 am
Let's not call anyone a moron. I just offered up a theory for what may or may not be happening in the world. Another poster asked for theories rather than lists.
Take a look at the people who aided and groomed Orzog on his way. It is like a who's who
of Jewish neo-conservative and neoliberal intelligentsia. Phillips Exeter Academy, A.B. in
economics from Princeton University, Ph.D. from the London School of Economics, a
Marshall Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, National Academies of Science. Alan Blinder
(who taught him at Princeton) and Joseph Stiglitz were his mentors early in life,
and later Robert Rubin and Rahm Emmanuel.

14 tsk_tsk November 25, 2008 at 7:42 am
some time ago, I think it as during the Writers' strike, when I was reading about the big 8 movie producing companies that sat on the other side of the table, then I started to search for people on Wikipedia ; and there you'll find it, this information which is updated by everybody and their grandma: Who is an American Jew.
I began making lists of people, and try and guess what kind of horror I felt when I realized just what it was that I was doing: Putting a star * next to the name of every Jew.
And I've being doing it again recently, trying to weigh the change that Obama is bringing us. He fills the sky with stars.
Now imagine if Obama's cabinet was crowded with Kenyans or Cubans or Mexicans or Canadians…
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Maybe Jewish Ascendancy Will Result in Wave of Conversion

by Philip Weis
I've said before that the Israel lobby has become an Establishment norm, imbibed and regurgitated even by the three-barrelled scions of the old order, Walter Russell Mead, son of a preacher man, now at the Council on Foreign Relations. I don't think this is a good thing, I see it as a form of corruption and brainwashing. C.f., Iraq. So do many others.

But if Israel began treating its minority population half so well as we treat ours in the U.S., it could usher in a true golden age and light unto the world. Or maybe not.

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