Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fitting the Media's Agenda

Fitting the Media's Agenda

by Paul Palango

VER the past couple decade or so I've managed to involve myself in two notorious legal cases involving barely literate men. After reviewing the evidence, I became convinced that each of them had been wrongly prosecuted by the state. ( ... )

[One] case involved Cleveland-area resident John Demjanjuk, who was sentenced to death by the Israeli government for being a Nazi war criminal given the appellation Ivan the Terrible. Demjanjuk's conviction was overturned, he was freed and he has regained his U.S. citizenship. ( ... )

That I became involved in the Demjanjuk Affair was entirely bizarre.

It began with a telephone call in early 1990's from Victor Malarek, a former Globe and Mail co-worker, who had just gone to work as a co-anchor at The Fifth Estate and the Real News Network, a Canadian alternative media and publishing company.

John Demjanjuk

The Demjanjuk family had contacted Malarek, one of the highest-profile North American journalists of Ukrainian descent and no slouch when it comes to recognizing a good story, about investigating their patriarch's legal problems. But Malarek felt that his being Ukrainian would only serve to diminish the Demjanjuks' case should he arise as their defender. So he called me, a mongrel with lineage that includes Palanca, Borsellino, Macaluso, MacLellan, MacDonald and --not a drop of Ukrainian blood among them.

On our own time, Malarek and I visited the Demjanjuk family in Seven Hills, Ohio. There we reviewed the key evidence gathered by the family supporting John Demjanjuk's contention that he was not Ivan the Terrible and had not been a guard in the Nazi death camp at Treblinka.

It was abundantly evident to Malarek and me that Demjanjuk had been the victim of a frame which resulted in, among other things, his being stripped of his citizenship by the U.S. government.

We could see that there were a number of agendas being played out. The Russians, under Perestroika had started the ball rolling by producing an identification card, which they claimed was genuine, asserting that Demjanjuk had been a Nazi guard. It was very clear the card was fake. There was not another one like it in the fastidious German archives.

The Russians had a number of motives for promoting Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible, not least of which was to divide dissident Jews and Ukrainians who were becoming a thorn to the government especially beginning in the 1970's and 80's. Serving up Demjanjuk would also win the Russians brownie points with the Israelis in the change over to post Soviet era.

In the United States, the government agency responsible for prosecuting ex-Nazis had failed to win a conviction and was becoming desperate to justify itself. It was spending millions of dollars on selective, political prosecution with a great deal of fanfare while ignoring other World War II crimes, including its own. Sectors of the Jewish community were demanding more high profile prosecutions. The head of the agency prosecuting Demjanjuk was under psychiatric care. The evidence Malarek and I saw in Seven Hills showed that the agency, and by extension the U.S. government, were willing to go to any lengths to make a case against Demjanjuk. They ignored and literally threw in the garbage key evidence that exculpated Demjanjuk.

In short, Demjanjuk was meant to be a human sacrifice for crass political purposes.

For Israel, although there were allegations that many Ukrainians were involved in the execution of Jews and others, none had ever been convicted in Israel. It was obvious what the Israelis wanted from Demjanjuk.

It wasn't long after Malarek and I were called that Demjanjuk was sentenced to death by an Israeli court. We thought we were on to one of the great stories, a race against time to save a man's life. The problem was we couldn't get anyone to listen to it. There was no apparent market.

We took the story to a Canadian book publisher, who expressed some interest, but eventually nixed the proposed project because no U.S. publisher would take it on. It seemed that a number of books had been published and were about to be published showing how Demjanjuk was indeed Ivan the Terrible and what great detective work had gone into his capture. The Canadian publisher didn't have the courage to go it alone.

Malarek and I then met with David Nayman, the then No. 2 at the CBC's The Fifth Estate, and now head producer of the fairly aggressive "alternative news" programs on The Real News Network in an attempt to sell him on the story. The Fifth Estate had already done one story on Demjanjuk, which did not touch on the fact that he might have been the wrong man. There was also a Canadian angle to the story. Canadians of Ukrainian descent had contributed more money to Demjanjuk's defence fund than from any other nation.

But Nayman, who made no bones about how seriously his decision would be affected by his Jewish heritage and his support of his people, dismissed the idea of another Demjanjuk story, wondering aloud at one point how we dared question the integrity of the Israeli courts. Even if he felt differently, which he didn't, promoting this story would cause his support in the "liberal" Jewish community would vanish. He also said: "If he wasn't Ivan the Terrible, he was probably somebody else." It was precisely the same unconscionable argument that the prosecution used later in Israel when its case began to unravel.

And, no, it there is no evidence Demjanjuk hadn't been a guard somewhere else, either.

Demjanjuk's conviction was overturned only when the weight of public opinion could no longer be ignored by the Israeli system. Rumblings resounded among many about Israel's habit of kangaroo show-trials for political theater and the Mossad's thousands of kidnappings and sometimes murders of old European men of highly dubious guilt (as well as some deserving figures). The evidence that turned opinion around was the same evidence Malarek and I had known about three years earlier.

Demjanjuk's U.S. citizenship was reinstated and he was allowed to rejoin his family. Of course, he was met by protesters who picketed his house, and has been threatened with death by Zionist extremists. Despite all evidence to the contrary, they were determined to score political propaganda points by claiming victimhood and a miscarriage of justice.

The point, I guess, is that often the media really do tell only those stories that suit their narrow agendas and the pressures placed upon them from internal and external sources.

What happened to John Demjanjuk should have put to shame the North American book publishing, magazine, newspaper and television news industries, but they'll just continue trundling along.

Sad. Really sad.

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