Sunday, February 17, 2008

New York University and Human Experiments/Torture

Dr. Saul Krugman and co., of New York University and Human Experiments/Torture

Dr. Saul Krugman of New York University conducted studies of hepatitis during the 1960s on the mentally retarded and indigent black children, infecting them with hepatitis while telling them and their parents that he was giving vaccines. He systematically infected newly arrived children between the ages of three and eleven with strains of the virus obtained from the feces of hepatitis patients. This was done to study the natural history, effects, and progression of the disease. Franz Inglefinger, who later became the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine said, " How much better to have a patient with hepatitis deliberately acquired under the guidance of a Krugman, than under the care of a rights-minded zealot." Saul Krugman's Jewish family had fled Nazi Germany while Inglefinger was (one of hundreds of) Nazi German ex-patriot brought over to operate ironically under Jewish researchers.

Krugman was to work with Sidney Gottlei
b the well known architect of intelligence and military psychological warfare, assassinations and technical support for coups. Dr. Gottleib is probably best-known for heading the Central Intelligence Agency's mind control programs under MKULTRA and his time as the director of the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS). Krugman's research work was paid for by the U.S. military; he was later named head of NYU pediatrics and then head of the American Pediatrics Society. Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kein (another German Jewish refugee and) an NYU based researcher and acolyte of both of doctors helped track AIDS from its earliest recognition, particularly through the Black community.

Avir Kagan and Chester M. Southam, NYU affiliated physicians, injected Ohio State Prison inmates with live cancer cells in 1952, performed the same procedure on 22 elderly, African-American female patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in order to watch their immunological response. Kagan and Southam tells the patients that they are receiving "some cells," but leaves out the fact that they are cancer cells. He claims he doesn't obtain informed consent from the patients because he does not want to frighten them by telling them what he is doing. Ironically, he eventually becomes president of the American Cancer Society.

In response to the BBC documentary and article "Guinea Pig Kids", the New York City Administration of Children's Services (ACS) sends out an Apr. 22 press release admitting that foster care children were used in experimental AIDS drug trials, some at NYU affiliated hospitals, but says that the last trial took place in 2001 and thus the trials are not continuing, as BBC reporter Jamie Doran claims. The ACS gives the extent and statistics of the experimental drug trials, based on its own records, and contracts the Vera Institute of Justice to conduct "an independent review of ACS policy and practice regarding the enrollment of HIV-positive children in foster care in clinical drug trials during the late 1980s and 1990s".

 Unlawful, gruesome human experimentation on orphans, black children and inmates- for the military, even for cosmetics contracts- often carried out with the assistance of the government, "reputable" universities and hospitals. Hu
man cloning experiments have also been performed.  The instances of these abuses are too much to cover here.


-Univ. of Pennsylvania professor of Dermatology Dr. Al Kligman multi-millionaire inventor of Retin-A, conducted ghastly research by the Dow Chemical Company to test the effects of dioxin on human subjects. Kligman applied the most powerful known carcinogen to the skin of 70 prisoners. Over the years he would perform these painful, gruesome experiments on uncounted numbers. In 1966, Kligman said to a reporter - speaking of his access to Holmesburg prisoners - "All I saw before me were acres of skin.... It was an anthropoid colony... which wasn't going anywhere... I was like a farmer seeing fertile field for the first time."

-Dr. Louis Gottschalk former chair of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine, and researcher at the notorious Cincinnati Medical Center, is the author of the government supported study "Total and HalfBody Irradiation" among other studies. He has been compared to Nazi researcher Dr. Josef Mengele. It is questionable that a group of human subjects were actually sick at all who were used in his radiation experiments (under the pretense of a "new treatment"). Virtually all of his subjects were Black.
When interviewed Dr. Gottschalk was asked if the follow-up on the patients revealed any subjects who survived from his 1969 study. He said, "I was interested in just cognitive aspects--there were no follow-ups." Dr. Gottschalk was to famously claim a year ago that he lost $3 million to a Nigerian scam when lawsuits were weighed by the families of victims.

-In the 1950s, slow learning and mildly retarded students were given permission by their parents to belong to the 'Science Club' at their school in Waltham, Massachusetts. They were fed radiation with the cereal to determine identify the pathway of nutrients in the human digestive system. The tests were carried out by the Quaker Oats Cereal researchers from MIT. On December 31, 1997, Quaker Oats settled a lawsuit, and 30 of the students were awarded an overall settlement of $1.85 million. Other studies were conducted at schools in Massachusetts. Experiments on the thyroid gland involved injections of radioactive iodine and the use of radioisotopes for the diagnosing various medical conditions as well as determining the effect of radiation from the iodine on the human body.


-The Tuskegee experiments were a 40 year government sponsored medical study begun in 1932 that allowed 399 late stage syphilitic African American men to go untreated, even when safe and effective medical treatments were available from the 1940s. Also affected were 50 wives who were infected by their husbands and 20 children who were given the disease congenitally. The subjects were tracked, and government scientist interceded to prevent cures in many cases because the epidemiological interest.

In 1947, Elmer Allen of Chicago was diagnosed with bone cancer. His left leg was injected with heavy doses of plutonium for two days. On the third day, his leg was amputated and was flown to the Atomic Energy Commission's laboratory where the effects of radiation were studied. In 1973, Allen returned to a hospital and was given a full body radiation scan. The doctors to urine and blood samples to assess the plutonium residue in his body from 26 years earlier. In April 1999, the University of Cincinnati settled a lawsuit for $5 million involving families of 90 cancer patients. While practicing medicine at the university's hospital between 1960 and 1971, Dr. Eugene Saenger conducted radiation experiments with terminally ill cancer patients. As in the Tuskegee Experiment, the subjects had been followed for decades, without their knowledge, with government scientist informing care givers they contacted who all seemingly were happy to comply with withholding treatment.
Edward Teller (Also click picture), Einstein, and Oppenheimer (who ran into trouble not because of his objection to weapons but his dealings with known Soviet spies) rejected Italian physicist Enrico Fermi's idea of a demonstration bomb in Tokyo Bay, instead urging that bombs be dropped on the most densely concentrated population centers so that the effects could be better studied.



-Denial of health insurance coverage for Sickle Cell Anemia: During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the government sponsored genetic screening and counseling for those who had sickle cell anemia, a disease that mainly affects African Americans. The program was stopped due to the African American community's suspicions and lack of participation. Its easy to see why: Insurance companies were requiring their African American customers to take tests for sickle cell anemia. If they refused to take the test or tested positive, insurance coverage was denied.

-1960's-? Creating and Cutting Blisters to inject Radioactive Mercury: For more than a decade, at least 300 African Americans, mostly female patients, were involved in 15 studies designed by researchers from Tulane University and Charity Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana that subjected them to swallowing radioactive capsules, being injected with radioactive mercury into laboratory created blisters that were intentionally cut open, enduring 118-degree heat and intentional diarrhea. Supposedly the studies were designed to see the effect of mercury for people with congestive heart failure. But the 300 black patients did not have the disease. The university recently apologized and claimed it would not conduct these specific tests anymore.

-Brain Surgery on African American Children: It was common practice in the early 1970s for Dr. O.J. Andy, a neurosurgeon in Mississippi to perform thalamotomies (a type of brain surgery that destroys part of the thalamus, an organ that analyzes sensations and governs feelings) on African American children who were termed aggressive and hyperactive. Some of the operations were performed on children as young as six.

-In other radiation tests from 1945 to 1949, 829 pregnant women were fed radioactive iron drinks in order to detect their effect on fetal development. Pregnant mothers died of the radiation.

-In 1961, researchers at MIT injected 20 subjects, ranging in age from 63 to 83, with Radium-224 and Thorium-234 as part of a study on aging.

-In studies conducted in 1946 and 1947 at the University of Rochester in New York, patients were injected with various levels of radiation to determine the effects on their kidneys. One patient was homeless and "agreed willingly to enter the metabolic unit for special studies." Three others, one of whom entered the clinic in a "hallucinatory state," were alcoholics.

-In 1957, isolated Native Americans, most of whom spoke no English, received an apple and an orange for allowing United States Army doctors to inject into them radioactive Iodine-131.

-At a California medical facility between 1967 and 1968, prisoners were paralyzed with succinylcholine, a neuromuscular compound. Because their breathing capacity was shut down, many likened the experience to drowning. When prisoners refused to participate in the experiment, the institution's special treatment board gave 'permission' for prisoners to be injected against their will. Experiments on prisoners openly continued for a decade.

-Through the 1980's CDC continues its 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis and Denver, recruiting over 7,000 homosexual men in San Francisco alone (Goliszek).

- 1980 According to blood samples tested years later for HIV, 20 percent of all New York homosexual men who participated in the 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).

-1980's American doctors give experimental hormone shots to hundreds of Haitian men confined to detention camps in Miami and Puerto Rico, causing the men to develop a condition known as gynecomastia, in which men develop full-sized breasts.

-1990 - More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine (also tested as a sterilization drug) that had never been licensed for use in the United States, and never as a "measles vaccine". CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was "experimental".

-1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens and drugs. This leads to failed challenge in U.S. Supreme Court to U.S. military and military contractors adhering to legal standards when conducting such experiments.

-2000 The U.S. Air Force and rocket maker Lockheed Martin sponsor a Loma Linda University study that pays 100 Californians $1,000 to eat a dose of perchlorate -- a toxic component of rocket fuel that causes cancer, damages the thyroid gland and hinders normal development in children and fetuses -- every day for six months without explaining what it is. The dose eaten by the test subjects is 83 times the safe dose of perchlorate set by the State of California, which has perchlorate in some of its drinking water. This Loma Linda study is the first large-scale study to use human subjects to test the harmful effects of a water pollutant.


-1947 Co. E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human services.

-1950 The U.S. Army places military men within communities downwind of atomic tests so they can test people on the effects of fallout.

-In 1951 potentially deadly bacteriological agents were sprayed over the Norfolk, Virginia Military Supply Center in an experiment to see what would occur if a potential enemy did the same. The coccidioides (biological agents) used were determined to be much more toxic to Blacks than Whites, thus were not considered a "public" health risk.

-1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

-1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

-From 1950 to 1976, the CIA conducted massive, secret research into coercion and the malleability of human consciousness which, by the late fifties, was costing a billion dollars a year. Many Americans have heard about the most outlandish and least successful aspect of this research -- the testing of LSD on unsuspecting subjects. While these CIA drug experiments and the testing of electric shock as a technique led to law suits. Documents were destroyed by the CIA and new laws were passed to give the Agency and military protections against what GHW Bush called the 'pusillanimous dictates' of CIA oversight at the time.

-1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

-In 1960's Zinc Cadmium, Bacillus Subtilis, Cerratia Marcesens and a host of other known dangerous and deadly chemical agents have been tested by widespread, open air spraying over populated areas. This has become a continued source of controversy and bitter criticism towards U.S. military officials in charge of such programs, resulting in several law suit settlements but no change of law.

- 1985 A former U.S. Army sergeant tries to sue the Army for using drugs on him in without his consent or even his knowledge in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669. Justice Antonin Scalia writes the decision, clearing the U.S. military from any liability in past, present or future medical experiments without informed consent.

-1994 Executive Order 13139 is requiring military personnel to receive experimental vaccines not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. EO13139, titled "Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations," caught Congress off guard as it directed the Pentagon to disregard the authority of the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA. The order authorized use of experimental vaccines -- those not approved by the FDA and therefore illegal -- to be administered to members of the armed forces without informed consent. As a result of the unprecedented implementation of the vaccination program, more than 1,000 troops are awaiting trial on a felony charge of refusing to obey, hundreds more have left the armed forces and dozens have been prosecuted.

-1994 The United States sends 1.7 million members of the armed forces, 22 percent of whom are African-American, to the Persian Gulf for the Gulf War ("Desert Storm"). More than 400,000 of these soldiers are ordered to take an experimental nerve agent medication called pyridostigmine, which is later believed to be the cause of Gulf War Syndrome -- symptoms ranging from skin disorders, neurological disorders, incontinence, uncontrollable drooling and vision problems -- affecting Gulf War veterans.



A German military research scientist tried at Nuremberg cited in his defense the work of American Colonel Dr. Richard P. Strong, Professor of Tropical Medicine at Harvard 
who infected Philippine convicts with cholera and the bubonic plague, killing many. Survivors were compensated with cigars and cigarettes.

A Dachau document referred to the work of infamous state Public Health official Dr. Goldberger, who starting in 1915 produced the disease pellegra in Mississippi convicts. (Goldberger and trained physicians were aware of pellegra's causes but Goldberger wanted to see what range of diseases could be caused through malnourishment and how long subjects could live without nutrition.) One test subject said that he had been through, "a thousand hells," and another swore he would choose a lifetime of hard labor rather than go through such an experiment again.

Also cited were a series of experiments conducted in 1944 in a Chicago prison where 441 convicts were infected with malaria. British Medical Journal commentary: "One of the nicest American scientists I know was heard to say: 'Criminals in our penitentiaries are fine experimental material and much cheaper than chimpanzees."

Most pre WWII American experiments on prisoners were not mentioned as a defense at Nuremburg but could have been. For example, a doctor in the California prison system spent four years transplanting testicles from recently executed convicts into senile men. By 1920, he had improved on the technique, implanting pieces of goat testicle "the size of a silver dollar" into the scrotum or abdominal walls of inmates.

The dozens of German scientist who allegedly broke international laws through their inhumane experiments charged stated that "only prisoners who had illnessesdeformity or were convicted of various crimes and condemned to death were used." (Our Italics to note the subjectivity of these statements.) 

The Nuremberg defendants pointed out that Americans often used ordinary civilians, military men, the indigent, orphans, and ethnic minorities who were not "resisting" the government, and did this during peace time as well as war time.


Ed Note: We could go on for days with examples of this, including on-going torturous and deadly human experiments on the unwilling and unwitting. We omitted behavioral and mind control experimentation entirely because it is too involved. American military and university participation in any area of these experiments has taken up books. The moral here is that it is a dangerous world, and you should be careful about who you think are the "bad guys" and "good guys".  People also can and will be awful to each other and that happens everywhere.

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