Saturday, February 16, 2008

Making Your Way to the White House

Back in the 90s years after he retired, Cord Meyer would laugh derisively at those conspiratorialists who accused Bill Clinton of being connected with the KGB because of his time in Moscow as a political organizer, which in that era was not only unpatriotic but in some cases illegal.

"They all darkly point to Bill’s participation in anti-war peace conferences in Stockholm and Oslo, and his trip to Leningrad, Moscow, and Prague while he was at Oxford. ‘Who could have paid for this?’, they ask. ‘It had to be the KGB!’ they claim." Cord would shake his head. "What rot - we paid for it. We recruited Bill the first week he was at Oxford. Bill’s been an asset of The Three Bad Words ever since. For God's sake he was at Georgetown to study for the foreign service and his Rhodes scholarship was sent in by instructors who work for the Agency. None of this a secret."

S.W. , Washington D.C.
Volume XIX Number 39

Began Spying in College

Few informed people question now that the Bill Clinton, the graduate of Georgetown International Relations and Diplomacy program was active in the intelligence community as a young man, the assumption is generally made that he left any official (or unofficial) capacity and severed connections that he had sometime before he began his political career. Movement from the intelligence community to government and politics is not unusual, but it is hard to determine how long such ties continue, officially or or unofficially. A private researcher claims to have found "the smoking gun" linking President Bill Clinton to the CIA as a long-term operative.

The ties were obvious in the 1980's when the agency used an airstrip in western Arkansas as part of a money laundering- drugs for money scam as part of the CIA, NSA Contra Affair and continue today through Clinton appointments.

Stew Webb points to the likelihood that Bill Clinton has been a deep cover CIA agent since his days at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, a program sponsored by the State Department to train future diplomats and intelligence officers (who are often one in the same). The man Clinton defeated for the president, George H.W. Bush, an alumnus of Yale, is widely believed to have been recruited as an undergraduate. CIA agents are sworn to place their loyalty to the agency's mission (which is to protect their vision of "American security) above anything else. They are also expected as a matter of course to lie about their association with "the Company". With a budget secret from the taxpayers and its unknown (legal and illegal) businesses around the world, its total income is estimated at $35 billion per year.

One of the businesses attributed to the CIA by many researchers is drug and gun smuggling. The small airport at Mena, Arkansas, has long been known as a transshipment pint used by the CIA. Webb estimates that some 36 billion in drugs have gone through the Mena airport during the years 1981 to 1988. (Iran/Contra) Clinton was governor of Arkansas during the years 1979-81 and 1983-92. The controlled press barely batted an eye when investigators revealed Bill Clinton organized protests against the Vietnam War in Europe and traveled behind the Iron Curtain as a Rhodes scholar in the 1960's. The SPOTLIGHT has learned Clinton's trips were more than youthful adventure. Clinton was working for the CIA, according to Webb and other researchers.

According to sources within the CIA, Clinton was used by the agency to infiltrate protest groups and report on their activities. In addition, Clinton used his cover as a Rhodes scholar to view the Khrushchev memoirs, then he stole documents for "the Company," Webb said.


According to sources, Clinton was answering to London bureau chief Cord Meyer when he took the Khrushchev documents.

Webb said his sources indicate former Time editor and Council on Foreign Relations mouthpiece Strobe Talbott, international business tycoon Ira Magaziner and a third Yale grad who attended school at Oxford as they all started careers with the CIA. They all have engaged in brilliant careers that placed them in influential positions the media, business and politics.

Talbott, for example, was able to influence international opinion as a writer at Time and frequent talking head on infomercials- public affairs propaganda aimed at enforcing the Establishment line-such as Inside Washington. Talbott now serves as an undersecretary of state. Magaziner made millions of dollars as a management consultant to major international corporations and as an advisor to Sweden and Israel after graduating. Today Magaziner handles the day-to-day operations of the president's health care task force. Clinton began a meteoric political rise culminating in his election as president. Clinton appears to have helped the agency whenever and wherever he could on his way to the top.


One of Bill Clinton's first assignments with the CIA was to sneak into Moscow and bring out the famous Nikita Khrushchev memoirs, which at the time of their publication was considered a propaganda coup for the CIA and the West.

"Bill Clinton has been CIA since 1967 or 68," Stew Webb said. "Clinton and a couple of others went to Moscow from Stockholm, Sweden. "They acted as a couple of Rhode scholars," he added. "They were able to, for research purposes, view Khrushchev's memoirs. They stole them for the CIA. They answered to a guy named Cord Meyer."

Meyer served as the London CIA bureau chief while Clinton was in England studying under the Rhodes scholarship program. Clinton is also alleged to have infiltrated war protest groups for the agency, giving the CIA names of fellow protesters and the source of the movement's funding. When Khrushchev Remembers was published in 16 different languages in the early 1970s, it was denounced as a CIA trick by the Russians.


Meyer's history with the agency is intertwined with recent American history.

Most notably however is the fact he has long been accused of having something to do with the murder of his ex-wife, a daughter of a very socially and politically prominent family (which has declined greatly, as its most notable member currently is Yalie drama grad and reality show cast member Bronson Pinchot). Cord however would just say of his former wife's murder that "those bastards did it" without ever being specific.

Meyer's ex-wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, was murdered October 12, 1964, shortly after deciding to publish her diary-- including details of an affair with JFK.

Webb said his sources tell him Mrs. Meyer's death was a CIA hit ordered by the notorious, slightly insane James Jesus Angleton, codenamed "Mother", the CIA counterintelligence specialist.

"She kept a diary on the affair," Webb said. "She announced publicly to different people that she was having this affair with Kennedy and she was going to print a book. All of a sudden she ended up dead, and her diary ends up disappearing."

Sources say Angleton had the diary destroyed once it came into his possession. In addition, Angleton handled the CIA's dealing with the Warren Commission investigation of the Kennedy assassination.

Angleton was Israel's chief advocate in the CIA despite his deep friendships with persecuted anti-Zionist poets Ezra Pound and T.S. Elliot and his own personal inclinations and suspicions.

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